Monday, August 12, 2013

Mr. Personality {Family Session}

I just adore this family! Aside from being completely adorable, these little boys were full of smiles. Big brother was a total ham - and ALL boy. This family session couldn't have been easier or more fun!
Long - 08.03.13 009
Long - 08.03.13 064
Long - 08.03.13 145
Long - 08.03.13 164
Long - 08.03.13 184
Long - 08.03.13 264
Long - 08.03.13 265
Long - 08.03.13 272
Long - 08.03.13 332
Long - 08.03.13 297
Long - 08.03.13 395
Long - 08.03.13 401
Long - 08.03.13 475
Long - 08.03.13 477
Long - 08.03.13 501
Long - 08.03.13 581
Long v2 - 08.03.13 051
Every once in a while I come across an outtake that has me rolling. This (below) is definitely one of those!
Long - 08.03.13 096