Saturday, October 26, 2013

Why I Love Evening Sessions...

As some of you know, my favorite time of day to shoot is in those last few hours before sunset (AKA "the golden hours"). Hands down. Here's a fabulous example of why. Isn't the lighting yummy?? Golden lighting + lovely subjects and I'm in heaven. Clearly, I was on cloud nine throughout this mommy & son session. I love this duo. Aren't they the sweetest? I just adore how their special bond shines through so naturally.

Reis - 10.18.13 1082
Reis - 10.18.13 1187
Reis - 10.18.13 1162
Reis - 10.18.13 1034
Reis - 10.18.13 1008
Reis - 10.18.13 104
Reis - 10.18.13 126
Reis - 10.18.13 130
Reis - 10.18.13 158
Reis - 10.18.13 195
Reis - 10.18.13 285
Reis - 10.18.13 346
Reis - 10.18.13 385
Reis - 10.18.13 389
Reis - 10.18.13 581
Reis - 10.18.13 643
Reis - 10.18.13 649
Reis - 10.18.13 772
Reis - 10.18.13 852
Reis - 10.18.13 905
Reis - 10.18.13 887

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Kaley {5 days new}

Allow me to introduce you to little miss Kaley. Isn't she a doll? Oh, and check out those LIPS. She is destined to be the envy of every girl she meets. Let's be honest, people pay good money for a pout like that!

Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 001
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 039
I would like to dare my fellow Cougs to try and resist this. Can't do it, can you?

Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 052
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 070
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 140
Allow me to reiterate... those LIPS!

Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 128
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 189
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 149
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 241 past
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 256
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 271
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 247
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 286
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 302
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 316
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 364
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 368
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 379
Kaley {Newborn} - 10.03.13 215
Mommy and Daddy are huge Seahawks fans, so naturally we wanted to incorporate their two loves. What a great way to commemorate the year Kaley was born AND the first year that our Hawks win the Super Bowl... right??